What Is HarmonyQi?

Master Bai Yin Explains HarmonyQi in 7 Minutes

7 sets of techniques + 1 set of Completion Techniques.

Requires just 10 minutes of practice.

The most effective wellness regimen.

One-stop effective maintenance technique.

Feel the abundance of Qi.

Experience a profound sense of overall wellness and balance.

Improve your Health

To resolve the 3 types of Qi Disorders of modern people

In today's modern world, sedentary lifestyles, excessive use of electronic devices, and exposure to environmental pollution have made people susceptible to three types of Qi disorders: Qi deficiency, Qi blockage, and impurity of Qi. These issues can lead to premature degeneration and chronic diseases at an early age. HarmonyQi offers a solution to both major and minor illnesses caused by Qi disorders, enhancing your physical fitness and overall well-being.

Easy to Learn

The movements are simple and easy to learn

The principles of healthcare and well-being management are straightforward and easily comprehensible. The practice sessions are brief, and each Qigong technique can be broken down into smaller parts, making it convenient for modern individuals to incorporate into their busy lifestyles. HarmonyQi is suitable for people of all body conditions.

Nourish Your Qi

Improve mental alertness and physical strength

Many modern individuals suffer from Qi deficiency and weakened immunity. HarmonyQi offers a quick revitalization of energy, enhanced physical strength, improved sleep quality, elimination of complications, and increased work efficiency. It is a practice eagerly embraced by business owners and office workers alike.

Benefits of HarmonyQi

It only takes 10 mins of practice a day!

Relief From Stress

Relief From Muscle & Joint Pain

Better Sleep

Improved Vitality

Radiant Complexion

Benefiting 550,000 people from all over the world

In over 30 countries, over 550,000 people are embracing the trend of Bai Yin Qigong. This ancient practice is no longer limited to the elderly; it has evolved into an engaging and dynamic activity.

Mastering the art of Qigong doesn't require a huge time commitment. With just 10 hours of dedicated practice, you can learn a set of powerful self-care techniques that will benefit you for a lifetime. This makes Qigong one of the most economical and beneficial investments you can make in your health.

The founder of this Qigong technique, Master Bai Yin, began her Qigong journey at the young age of 8. With over 40 years of personal practice and 30 years of teaching experience, she is a true master of her craft. Master Bai Yin has inherited and continues to pass on this revered Chinese cultural heritage, which boasts a legacy spanning thousands of years.

The HarmonyQi course is the introductory course to Bai Yin Qigong, offering specially tailored practices for the high-speed, stress-filled existence of modern society. These conditions often lead to significant pressure, resulting in bodily stiffness, shoulder and neck pain, fatigue, diminished vitality, poor sleep, autonomic nervous system dysregulation, and other physiological disorders. By embarking on the HarmonyQi journey, the foundational course, you gain access to lifelong Qigong practices for sustained health.

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Original price: SG$1,400; Special: SG$350 only


You Will Be Learning...

Qigong Techniques

[Warm-Up Techniques] Keep your joints limber and agile with ease.

[Ascending & Descending Technique] Address water retention issues in the lower body effectively.

[Palm Trembling Technique] Experience relief from backaches and back pain while improving micro-circulation.

[Internal Sound Vibration Technique] Improve blood circulation to the extremities and stabilise blood pressure.

[Heaven Circulation Technique] Balance your body and mind, reduce the feeling of being 'top heavy, bottom light,' and resolve Qi & Blood disorders.

[Earth Circulation Technique] Reduce fat accumulation at the Waist and reduce waist-line; improve Spine flexibility.

[Sea Swaying Technique] Improve sleep quality.

[Completion Technique] Smooth out rough skin on your face with ease.

Qigong Theory

Qi for Health, What is Qigong, Why is Qigong effective for Health.

 There are various levels to practice the [Palm Trembling Technique].

Assess your vitality levels and detect potential diseases early.

Recognise the various stages of discomfort such as soreness, pain, swelling, numbness, and Qi blockage.

What is "Qi Blockage", "Qi Deficiency" and "Qi Turbidity".

Each technique movement is demonstrated to perfection, with clear comparisons to the 'no good (NG)' version provided instantly.

Here is a preview of the HarmonyQi Techniques

If you're suffering from shoulder pain, a stiff neck, lower back pain, upper spine issues, hip dislocation, joint inflammation, or knee discomfort, don't wait any longer. Sign up now for our HarmonyQi class. The Ascending & Descending Technique will help replenish energy in your muscles and joints, providing relief from pain and discomfort.

Overuse of the brain, work stress, and emotional tension often lead to poor sleep. HarmonyQi soothes the mind, helps you fall asleep more easily, enhances the restorative effects of deep sleep, and allows you to truly heal your body and restore vitality.

When your mental and physical energy are low, your efficiency and performance suffer. Unlike coffee, which can cause jitteriness, aerobic exercises provide a refreshing boost. HarmonyQi helps increase oxygen levels in your body. After practicing, you'll feel mentally and physically energized, ready to tackle your day with renewed vigor.

No amount of expensive skincare can fully mask dull skin. Issues like dryness, coarseness, sallowness, and dark circles under the eyes can't be completely eliminated with cosmetics alone. HarmonyQi acts like an edible collagen, replenishing your qi and blood to give you a rosy, glowing complexion.

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Original price: SG$1,400; Special: SG$350 only

Who Should Learn?

Those Who Are Sick

👋 The best rehabilitative technique for patients of chronic diseases. The objective is to first reduce, then stop, the intake of medication. More than 90% of Bai Yin Qigong students have succeeded in this.

👋 If you are on the verge of a chronic illness and are not able to perform most sports, or don’t want to do so, the you are the most suitable candidate to practise Qigong, because Qigong is a healthcare practice that can achieve the health effects beyond that which regular forms of exercise can. Practise for just 10 minutes, and you will feel sweaty. You will not feel the kind of exhaustion from exercising. In fact,it is very relaxing. It will cause you to expel turbidity through nasal discharge, tears and phlegm.

The Middle-Aged

👋Those in their 50s, who do not know how to maintain their health, will find that their health is heading downhill. The sooner you learn Qigong, the better effect you will feel. Don’t wait until a serious illness strikes before you start looking for a healthcare regimen.

👋Qigong is very suitable for middle-aged busy people. It only takes only 10 minutes a day to achieve the effects of replenishing Qi, relief from stress and increased vitality.

👋Many of the top 100 companies in Taiwan have set up Bai Yin Qigong Clubs for their employees’ welfare to help them with get relief from fatigue and stress.

Wish To Prevent Disease

👋Bai Yin Qigong For Life has a 52-year history of advocating the principle that prevention is better than cure. Bai Yin Qigong Students, the majority of whom used to be in the older age groups, are getting younger every year. Presently, our Students’ ages range from the youngest at 8 to the oldest at 80 years old, with the majority in the 35 – 55 year age group.

👋From students’ sharing of their experiences, we found that usage of health insurance card to see a doctor after learning Qigong has dropped by as much as 80%. Most of the Students reported that they do not suffer from colds, various gastrointestinal disorders, headaches, soreness and other minor problems can be resolved by practicing Qigong, resulting is savings of expenditure spent on health food and medical expenses.

If You Ever Felt That You Are...

... always tired.

Who am I doing all these for? And for what reason?

I guess that you should know better than anyone else. You need to first take care of yourself, before you have the strength to take care of your family.

... only having minor problems.

I shouldn't be too concerned, right?

But actually, I am very worried, because many people around me have discovered that they have serious health problems.

... always too busy.

I should wait until I have more time, right?

The truth is, our health doesn't wait for the right moment. Once you hit that turning point, your health typically only declines. Don't wait for a better time that might never come-take action now and prioritize your well-being.

There are so many types of healthcare regimes, health food products and supplements, gym, and sports.

They are all equally effective, right?

I want to clearly inform you that learning the correct Qigong technique is very important, as a once-and-for-all fast solution with the best results.

I want to GRAB the 75% Off Special

Original price: SG$1,400; Special: SG$350 only

Amazing Results

You will discover that...

When blockages are cleared, all the aches, pains & soreness in your body can be resolved

When you nurture your vitality, you can enjoy good deep sleep from night to dawn

After practising Qigong, you can’t help but admire your radiant complexion in the mirror

Bad moods are due to sub-health condition

Shoulder stiffness and neck pains are more damaging to your brain than you are aware of

When you learn the right technique, you can practise it and enjoy its benefits for a lifetime

Security Company Director

Weight Loss & Stress Release.


Improved immunity and stamina.

Banker & Chief Financial Controller

Relieve Headache & Stress, Improve Family Bonding.

Sales Director

Boost energy & prevent injuries.

When blockages are cleared, all the aches, pains & soreness in your body can be resolved

When you nurture your vitality, you can enjoy good deep sleep from night to dawn

After practising Qigong, you can’t help but admire your radiant complexion in the mirror

Bad moods are due to sub-health condition

Shoulder stiffness and neck pains are more damaging to your Brain than you are aware of

When you learn the right technique, you can practise it and enjoy its benefits for a lifetime

Customers served! Some Testimonies Shared by 0 Students From Around the World Customers served!

I want to GRAB the 75% Off Special

Original price: SG$1,400; Special: SG$350 only

Option A: ZOOM (Available In English Or Mandarin)




Interactive Teaching

600 Mins (10hrs) ZOOM

Interactive Revision

120 Mins (2hrs) ZOOM


Weekly ZOOM Group Practice, $200


PDF Textbook, $25 value

Guided Practice Music, $25 value


(Available In Mandarin Only)



30x Self-Learning Videos


40x Micro-Videos


Weekly ZOOM Group Practice, $200


PDF Textbook, $25 value

Guided Practice Music, $25 value

I want to GRAB the 75% Off Special

Original price: SG$1,400; Special: SG$350 only

Option A: ZOOM (Available In English Or Mandarin)


Interactive Teaching

600 Mins (10hrs) ZOOM

Interactive Revision

120 Mins (2hrs) ZOOM


Weekly ZOOM Group Practice, $200


PDF Textbook, $25 value

Guided Practice Music, $25 value

Option B: SELF-LEARNING (Available In Mandarin Only)



30x Self-Learning Videos


40x Micro-Videos


Weekly ZOOM Group Practice, $200


PDF Textbook, $25 value

Guided Practice Music, $25 value

When Qi is unobstructed, all illnesses will be cleared!

Give yourself the chance to learn a self-help healthcare regimen

Fast learning

Backed by a solid theoretical foundation and a detailed, step-by-step approach to teaching movement techniques.

Short practice time

Each technique requires just 3-5 minutes of practice. You'll quickly master the movements as soon as you learn them.

Can practise at any time

You can practice whenever it fits your schedule.

Can practise anywhere

No need for any specific type of environment.

No restriction on body type or physical condition

Qigong is a gentle activity, suitable for people with varying levels of strength and constitution.

No age restriction

Suitable for both adults and children ranging 8-75 years old.

High economic returns

Learn once, practice for a lifetime.

Overall body conditioning

Qigong improves overall state of health and well-being.

Harmonising Body and Mind

Clears blockages and promotes blood circulation, relieves stress and emotional burdens

Well-toned body and radiant appearance

Clears complexion, enhances natural radiance, boosts self-confidence.

I want to GRAB the 75% Off Special

Original price: SG$1,400; Special: SG$350 only


Q: I can only understand English, is there an English class?

A: Yes, we offer English class as well. All our instructors are effectively bilingual.

Q: Can I effectively learn via online?

A: Students are embracing online learning because they can clearly see instructors, unlike in large physical classrooms. In platforms like Zoom, it's easier to ensure individual attention for every student, as instructors can monitor their movements when students turn on their camera. Many students have reported improved learning outcomes and faster progress as a result.

Sharing from our student Kezia:

I was initially reluctant to sign up as I have some reservations on online learning.

I feel we are really very blessed to have teachers and instructors coaching us so patiently online all the way from Taiwan… And not forgetting our super on-the-ball instructors and 师兄ss师姐ss from Singapore! Their daily encouragement and arrangement on follow-up online sessions are commendable such that it makes me wonder if their objective is to make us feel paiseh if we were to stop… Just kidding!

I meant to say the encouragement and online sessions spur us to be better than yesterday was really heart warming. Hahhaha

Last week’s recap session (Taiwan lady instructor) and today’s online session with local Instructor are exceptionally useful and informative for noob like me! The breaking down of all the steps into bite sized for recap and corrections are all so clear and precise!

Thanks for guiding us and also all your valuable sharing! I love how everyone displays your outmost passion in Qigong!

Q: What is the age range suitable for learning HarmonyQi?

A: HarmonyQi is an exceptionally safe and effective form of Qigong. It is suitable for individuals ranging from 8 to 75 years old. Whether you are a young learner or a senior, HarmonyQi offers benefits tailored to your needs, making it an ideal practice for enhancing overall well-being at any age.

Q: Does it take a lot of time to learn?

A: HarmonyQi is a two-day session, totaling 10 hours class. Upon completion, you will be able to practise HarmonyQi daily.

Q: Does it require a significant amount of time to learn?

A: It only takes a mere 10 minutes to complete 1 set. If you have more time, you may repeat 2 or even 3 sets. This is one of the most time efficient & effective practice, very suitable for people with a busy lifestyle.

Q: Is Bai Yin Qigong only for elderly or sick people?

A: In the past, people began practicing Qigong while they were still young and healthy.

Nowadays, many of us are busy earning money at the expense of our health. Later in life, when we become old, weak, or ill, we often have to spend that hard-earned money trying to recover our health.

If you're currently unwell, Qigong offers a path to self-healing.

For those experiencing mild symptoms like aches, pains, or discomfort, many have found significant relief through Qigong.

If you're young and healthy, Qigong is an excellent way to maintain your well-being.

Consider this: when do you buy insurance? When you're old and sick, or when you're young and healthy? Insurance can help you financially when you're sick, but it doesn't restore your health. We see Qigong as proactive "health insurance" for your well-being. Ideally, we hope never to need our insurance.

Q: Will there be anyone to help to correct my moves?

A: Absolutely. During the formal class, you will join a live session on ZOOM, where our instructors can provide you with immediate feedback. Following the formal class, there will be revision sessions held in small groups. These smaller classes offer more opportunities for interaction and personalized instruction, allowing the instructors to closely observe and correct your movements.

Many students have found these sessions to be particularly beneficial.

Q: There are free videos on Youtube. Why should I invest $350 into my health?

A: There are four main Qi Disorders: Qi Blockage (气堵), Qi Deficiency (气虚), Qi Turbidity (气浊), and Qi Reversal (气逆).

While some YouTube videos might address specific Qi Disorders, finding the right one can be hit or miss. Moreover, these videos often provide only fragments of Qigong techniques, serving as samplers rather than offering a comprehensive system for improving health in a specific way.

HarmonyQi, created by Master Bai Yin, is designed to address all four Qi Disorders simultaneously. It is a complete system, eliminating the need to "guess" your specific Qi Disorder. You simply practice and experience the benefits.