Helping 1 Million People

Gain True Health by

Mastering Self-Healing Power



Helping 1 Million People

Gain True Health by

Mastering Self-Healing Power

Welcome to Bai Yin Qigong Singapore

Bai Yin Qigong (白雁气功) has helped more than 570,000 people worldwide regain their health over the past 50 years.

By combining ancient wellness wisdom with modern online teaching, Bai Yin Qigong delivers techniques that are”‘Fast To Learn, Fast To Practice, Fast to Get Results”, for people aged 8 to 75 yrs old.

Master Bai Yin (白雁老师) & Master Yin Quan (彦宽老师) are one of the most influential Qigong Masters in the world. They are frequently invited to give talks in media such as Health 2.0 (健康2.0) and LOVE 972 FM.

Bai Yin Qigong has been conducting classes in Singapore for more than 10 years. We are a group of like-minded fun people who want better health. We also love to help more people Master their Self-healing Power (自主健康) and move from sub-optimal health (亚健康) to being energetic, happy and stress-free.

Welcome to

Bai Yin Qigong Singapore

For over 50 years, Bai Yin Qigong (白雁气功) has empowered more than 570,000 individuals worldwide to reclaim their health and vitality. In Singapore, we've been sharing this transformative practice for over a decade, guiding students ranging from 8 to 75 years old on a journey to wellness and self-care. Our esteemed Masters, Bai Yin (白雁老师) and Yin Quan (彦宽老师), are globally recognized Qigong experts, dedicated to sharing their wisdom and expertise to help others thrive. With years of teaching experience under their belts, they are able to harness the power of blended learning, crafting a unique approach that combines ancient wellness wisdom with modern digital tools, creating a truly immersive and effective learning experience for all their students.

Both Master Bai Yin and Master Yin Quan have also authored books on Qi Gong and have been featured regularly in media such as Health 2.0 (健康2.0) and LOVE 972 FM.

Bai Yin Qigong has been conducting classes in Singapore for more than 10 years. We are a group of like-minded fun people who want better health. We also love to help more people Master their Self-healing Power (自主健康) and move from sub-optimal health (亚健康) to being energetic, happy and stress-free.

As Featured On

Invited Speakers for

As Featured On

Invited Speakers for

Customers served! 0 Million +  YouTube Viewership
Customers served! 0 K +  Students Benefited Globally
Customers served! 0 + Years  Experienced Professional Teaching
Customers served! 0 +  Certified Instructors Globally

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Invited Speakers For

Bai Yin Qigong’s Magical Palm Trembling Youtube Video has reached over 10 Million viewership! Join our Free Webclass to understand why Bai Yin Qigong has so many supporters & excellent track records




With the introduction of a good friend, I signed up and participated in the HarmonyQi course. After the first day of class, it was very incredible. I slept through till dawn that night. I was happier than winning the first prize in a lottery! Because of this, I signed up for the Bai Yin complete essential courses. With the daily practices, my health became better. A day’s practice generates a day of benefits, and the most important thing is that I can wake up naturally. No need to see doctors for medicine anymore.


Through the courses in Bai Yin Qigong, I learnt to take care of my health, eat healthily. With better appetite and digestion, my weight increases steadily. Practising Qigong not only brought back my health but also made me a more warm and cheerful person. Practising with a smile everyday makes me feel good all day long. If the thing is good for you and is the right thing to do. Just do it!


Thank you Bai Yin Qigong for being my saviour – you not only have helped me regain my health, happiness and confidence but also allowed me to take charge of living my life to the fullest in a positive way that I desire! Mastering self-healing power, to lead a happy Life.


After I started practising Qiong, I found my spirit and energy improved and got better. My muscles became more toned, and the hair loss I suffered from my pregnancy has been replaced with lustrous black hair. My figure also became better than my pre-pregnancy. I felt more confident in how I dress myself. Everyday after practising, I feel refreshed. Also both my mood and temperament changed for the better tremendously.


Learn what these happy people have

done right to regain their health.


Fast To Learn

Learn quickly with our 10-hour course. Enjoy relaxed, systematic lessons with a blend of theory and movement teaching for optimal learning.

Fast To Practice

Regain your health with just 10 minutes of daily practice at home! Ideal for busy lifestyles.

Fast To Get Results

Get recharged , reduce your aches and pains, improve your sleep quality through a 10 min practice daily.



Bai Yin Qigong Can Help!

Often lack of energy, tired and weak, fatigue, sleeplessness, insomnia, frequent dreams, feeling physically weak in the afternoon

Catch a cold, easily, cold limbs, irregular menstruation, menstrual pain, backache, weak limbs, heatstroke easily, often sweat due to physical weakness

Soreness, aches, pain, etc in any part of the body such as shoulder, neck pain, back pain, headache, head swelling, breast pain, joint pain

Gets angry easily, stomach flatulence, irritability, anxiety, impatient, chest tightness, wheezing, dizziness

Skin is rough, dry, prone to dark spots, dull skin, gets skin allergies easily, rashes

Gets bad breath easily, body odor, sweaty smell, constipation, smelly urination, smelly stool

Gets angry easily, stomach flatulence, irritability, anxiety, impatient, chest tightness, wheezing, dizziness

Gets angry easily, stomach flatulence, irritability, anxiety, impatient, chest tightness, wheezing, dizziness

Gets angry easily, stomach flatulence, irritability, anxiety, impatient, chest tightness, wheezing, dizziness

Gets angry easily, stomach flatulence, irritability, anxiety, impatient, chest tightness, wheezing, dizziness

Often feels chest tightness, breathlessness, shortness of breath, unknown coughing, palpitations

Problems of indigestion, bloating, nausea, gastroesophageal reflux

Want to know the Secret to

Reduce Your Aches & Pain / Reduce Your Tiredness /

ReduceYour Bloating Issue / Improve Your Sleep Quality /

Warm Up Your Cold Limbs / Improve Your Skin?



Sharing from our student Kezia on how she learns well online

I was initially reluctant to sign up as I have some reservations on online learning.

I feel we are really very blessed to have teachers and instructors coaching us so patiently online all the way from Taiwan… And not forgetting our super on-the-ball instructors and 师兄, 师姐 from Singapore! Their daily encouragement and arrangement on follow-up online sessions are commendable such that it makes me wonder if their objective is to make us feel paiseh if we were to stop… Just kidding!

I meant to say the encouragement and online sessions spur us to be better than yesterday was really heart warming. Hahahaha
Last week’s recap session (Taiwan lady instructor) and today’s online session with local Instructor are exceptionally useful and informative for noob like me! The breaking down of all the steps into bite sized for recap and corrections are all so clear and precise!

Thanks for guiding us and also all your valuable sharing! I love how everyone displays your outmost passion in Qigong!

Sharing from our student Kezia on how she learns well online

I was initially reluctant to sign up as I have some reservations on online learning.

I feel we are really very blessed to have teachers and instructors coaching us so patiently online all the way from Taiwan… And not forgetting our super on-the-ball instructors and 师兄ss 师姐ss from Singapore! Their daily encouragement and arrangement on follow-up online sessions are commendable such that it makes me wonder if their objective is to make us feel paiseh if we were to stop… Just kidding!

I meant to say the encouragement and online sessions spur us to be better than yesterday was really heart warming. Hahahaha. Last week’s recap session (Taiwan lady instructor) and today’s online session with local Instructor are exceptionally useful and informative for noob like me! The breaking down of all the steps into bite sized for recap and corrections are all so clear and precise!

Thanks for guiding us and also all your valuable sharing! I love how everyone displays your outmost passion in Qigong!


Q: I can only understand English, is there a class that I can attend?

A: Definitely. We have classes conducted in English and Chinese. You can choose which class you would like to attend.

All our instructors are effectively billingual.

Q: What is the age range suited for learning Qigong?

A: HarmonyQi is a very safe and effective Qigong. Anyone from 8 years to 75 years old are suited for learning HarmonyQi.

Q: Does it take a lot of time to learn?

A: You will be able to fully learn HarmonyQi within a 2-day lesson. It is a 10-hour course in total. 

After completing the formal class, you will be able to practise HarmonyQi daily.

Q: Does it take up a lot of time to practice?

A: Not at all. It only takes a mere 10 minutes to complete one set. If you have more time, you may repeat 2 or even 3 sets. This is one of the most time efficient & effective practices. Well suited for people with a busy lifestyle. 

There are 7 techniques inside HarmonyQi. 

  1. Preparation: Relax the neck, shoulders, waist hips, knees & ankles
  2. Ascending-Descending: Revitalise and strength the lower limbs
  3. Palm Trembling: Promote blood circulation, detoxification through sweat and alleviate pains
  4. Internal Sound Vibration: De-stress and expel negative emotions
  5. Heaven Circulation: Help the brain to relax and calm down
  6. Earth Circulation: Improve girdle vessel and strengthen the legs
  7. Sea Swaying: Improve sleep quality and slim down the waistline

Technique 7 (i.e Sea Swaying) is practised before you sleep

Q: Is Bai Yin Qigong only for old or sick people?

A: In olden days, people started to practise Qigong while they are young and healthy.

In modern days, people are busy making money while sacrificing their health. Then, when they grow old, weak or sick, they have to spend their money, hoping to regain their health. 

If you are currently sick, Qigong provides opportunities for self-healing

If you are having milder symptoms such as aches/pain or discomfort, many people have found lots of relief doing Qigong.

If you are young and healthy now, Qigong is a good approach towards maintaining your health. 

After all, when do you buy Insurance? When you are old and sick OR when you are young and healthy? Besides, Insurance can only help you financially when you are sick. It does not help you recover your health. To us, Qigong is a proactive “health insurance” for your well-being. Hopefully, we never get to use our Insurance.

Q: Will there be anyone to help correct my moves?

A: Yes. When you attend the formal class, it is a Live ZOOM Class. So Instructors will be able to give you timely feedback. After the formal class, there will be a revision class in a small group setting. There will be more opportunities for interaction and for instructors to look at your moves and correct them. 

Students who have gone through these found them especially beneficial.

Q: There are free videos on Youtube. Why should I invest $350 into my health?

A: There are 4 Disorders of Qi – Qi Blockage (气堵), Qi Deficiency (气虚), Qi Turbidity (气浊), Qi Reveral (气逆). 

Certain videos in Youtube are targeted at a particular Disorder. If you are lucky, you will be able to find one that is suited for your Disorder. Moreover Youtube videos are usually fragments of Qigong techniques as samplers. It is NOT a system to help one’s health in a specific way. 

HarmonyQi on the other hand was created by Master Bai Yin to work on the 4 Disorders of Qi at the same time. It is a complete system. So, you don’t have to “guess” what are your Qi Disorders. You simply practise and get results.

Contact Us

We are here to help you have better health!

Please WhatsApp Admin at +6589219286

OR fill up the Contact form here.